Dickish behavior is an addiction and it takes work to compensate for it – and the bad news: there’s no Dicks Anonymous.
How Not To Engage Your Community
Every so often, I see someone try to rally their network in a way that makes me cringe as if I’ve been kicked in the nuts.
Out-of-Date Storytelling
Orange Julius is a tribute to a past age. This isn’t the big problem. The big problem facing Orange Julius is complacency.
The Role of Guile in Business Stories
A purple cow is still a cow, it just looks deceptively funky. Only the bravest of the brave will attempt to milk one.
Digital Excommunication
They want your attention, your interaction; apathetic silence is the polar opposite of that.
Business Storytelling by Proxy
After dealing with shady characters for too long, some of those negative characteristics start rubbing off on you. And that’s all sorts of icky. Cold showers with your clothes on kind of icky.
Talking About Creating: Defeating Commander Cockblock
My projects are like marshmallows on a stick over the fire, and I’m watching ’em burn.
A Failure To Communicate
When I first started, my websites sucked. It’s taken me 13 years and I think I show some marginal improvement.
Business Storytelling: Get Your Website Done Right
Knowledge is the best defense to jerk-asses who want to take your money and dumb-asses who don’t know their trade.
An Open Letter To 99.9 FM: Ad-Free?
Before you start high-fiving yourself too hard for this amazing act of generosity to your listeners – consider doing something that requires some element of risk on your part.