Like an alzheimer patient oscillating between two Starbucks on opposite corners – we keep on clicking on. And on. And on. Have you tried their Salted Carmel Mocha? It’s delicious. But if you’re in Fort Collins, nothing beats the Honey Vanilla Latte from Cafe Ardour.
Equal and Opposite Community Reactions
Try putting a Captain Kirk fan in the same room as a Captain Picard fan. Then, just for fun, bring in someone who marked “Jedi” as their religion on the census. Three, seemingly sane people, will quickly become a riotous herd of angry geeks in the absence of reason.
How Not To Engage Your Community
Every so often, I see someone try to rally their network in a way that makes me cringe as if I’ve been kicked in the nuts.
Out-of-Date Storytelling
Orange Julius is a tribute to a past age. This isn’t the big problem. The big problem facing Orange Julius is complacency.
Giving Up Before You’ve Even Begun by @LoganZanelli
If you’re trying to build a community, or launch an Internet marketing or social media campaign, ask yourself why.
Embarrassing Social Media #FAIL
If you post two sexual terms in a LinkedIn update, you get a #FAIL.
It Just Works vs The Alternative
When something just works, you don’t have to convince people to use it.
How Apple could Decimate the PC Market
What if Apple provided a fund to Best Buy to hire a ton of unemployed, not-yet-retired Baby Boomers to be PC experts? Reverse this situation and you have the Microsoft Store. A slew of Gen-Y’ers promoting Microsoft-based products and partner products to other Gen-Y’ers.
How To Handle F*ck Ups
If I help you by pointing out your douchebaggery, what good does it do to flip me off and continue being a douchebag? One discontented voice usually becomes a choir, especially if the complaint is completely insane.
The Finer Points of YouTube Video Marketing
Seems like we have an attention span problem. Short of pumping aderol into the water supply, we can only hope to make better videos